Introspection + Inspiration + Dedication =

Andy's story shows how leaning into your worst fears and weaknesses while relentlessly and unapologetically following your inspiration can unleash your greatest self expression...

Andy's Well-Rounded, Fringy, Dialed-in Approach

-Extensive study and exercises for Fry Screams

-False Cord and Hybrid Screams

-Singing with Distortion

-Placement, Resonance & Range

-Detailed Studio Production Workflow

-ON TOUR Behind-The-Scenes Lessons

-Lifestyle and Mindfulness

-Much More...

Vocal Stems + Instrumentals + Ultimate Exercises

Andy has hand-picked key sections from his original music - as well as his idols - that have helped him develop key aspects of his voice. Using recording and listening sessions, these lines are deconstructed, practiced and turned into exercises. 

Start with the basic sensations, then move to these unique methods and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you progress with seemingly complex techniques!

Relax Into The Scream

Make Room For Your Grit

Project OUT, Not Forward

Ugly (And Awesome) Accidents

So Minimal, So Effective

Shaping VS Register

Monuments "Cardinal Red" Vocal Tracking Session & Recording Tutorials

Gear Setup and Gain Staging

Recording Clean Vocals

Recording Scream Vocals

Comping: Time Editing Clean Vocals

Comping: Time Editing Scream Vocals

Tuning: Pitch Correcting Clean Vocals

Vocal Mixing

Multitrack Vocal Audio Download

Your Formulas For Continued Success...

(Click the down arrow towards the bottom to expand and see all of the lessons)

  Preparations + Character + (Dynamic Singing) =
Available in days
days after you enroll
  (Fry Scream Formula) + (False Cord Scream Formula) =
Available in days
days after you enroll
  {(Living Alive) - Fear} + (Your ROOTS) =
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Singing + (Hybrid Screams) + Mindfulness =
Available in days
days after you enroll

+30 On-The-Road Lessons During Andy's Fall 2024 Tour!

In addition to the full course curriculum, you have the opportunity to join Andy on the road while he's touring with:

A Lot Like Birds...

And then with Makari!

These lessons will be posted over the next two months after launch week and will create an experience that has never been offered in any other course!

Just Part of What's Coming:

-Real-time pre-show warmups

-Reflections after each performance

-Lifestyle habits in practice

-Interaction with his bands

-Technique adjustments

-Body awareness and more!

Because of the unique nature of this content, it is only being offered to students who enroll during launch week!

Which opportunity will you choose?

Every option includes lifetime access for a single, one-time payment. There are no recurring charges!

We'll take the risk for your reward

Andy and I have put a lot of work into bringing you this way to unlock the many possibilities your voice is waiting to show you. If you put your whole self into fully experiencing the content we've put together, we're supremely confident you'll love this course and all the goodies that come with it. We're so sure that you'll enjoy the journey with us that we'll give you all your money back within 30 days of enrollment if you don't like what we've made. You can sign up at absolutely no risk!